




積分: 3248

發表於 10-3-26 10:31 |只看該作者
Well noted. Then what is the impact of LH? is it the hormone to support embyros during implantation?

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-26 09:32 發表
Dear minimeme,

If just based on the size and number of follicles you said earlier, your egg retrieval will likely proceed and your risk for OHSS is also very low. A while ago your switch from Gonal- ...


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-26 11:11 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,

I tried to call several labs but they don't have AMH test. Can your lab help on this ? If so, please pm to me your contact.

I also wonder that why HK does not has AMH test and it has been a new predictor used in many countries such as UK and Taiwan to check the ovian reserve and the response to ivf stimulation. From some article, AMH is more sensitive than FSH as sometimes FSH is normal but the response is still not good, like my problem.

Thanks a lot.

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-26 09:06 發表
To my knowledge, there is no lab in HK doing in-house AMH testing. The sample needs to be sent to the UK.


積分: 9231

發表於 10-3-26 12:09 |只看該作者
In a normal menstrual cycle, LH stays low but will rise before ovulation (LH surge). It triggers oocyte maturation and follicular rupture so that the egg will meet up Mr. Right (sperm) and ferilisation takes place. If there is implantation and pregnancy, there will be physiological/hormonal changes, including the increase of HCG and progesterone. LH has no role in supporting the embryos during and after implantation, whether it is a natural cycle or an ivf.

In ivf, too much LH will cause pre-mature ovulation, i.e. cancelling of the cycle. Too little LH (really depends on how little) may have a negative effect on oocyte quality.

原帖由 minimeme 於 10-3-26 10:31 發表
Well noted. Then what is the impact of LH? is it the hormone to support embyros during implantation?


積分: 3248

發表於 10-3-26 14:43 |只看該作者
I see. Thanks alot!

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-26 12:09 發表
In a normal menstrual cycle, LH stays low but will rise before ovulation (LH surge). It triggers oocyte maturation and follicular rupture so that the egg will meet up Mr. Right (sperm) and ferilisati ...


積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-26 15:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-25 15:07 發表
Dear 玫瑰野獸,

Implantation takes place around day 6 to 10. There is no exact day or time, and no woman can "feel" an embryo implanting.

If I get it correctly, the two sides of your tummy are 陰陰 ...

琴日開始getting better and better 啦! Thank you! 我呢兩日都有一大灘水流出,又唔好意思問


積分: 9231

發表於 10-3-26 16:49 |只看該作者
That's a little strange, "一大灘水"??

Please call your DR or nurse and see if they can help you.

原帖由 玫瑰野獸 於 10-3-26 15:43 發表

琴日開始getting better and better 啦! Thank you! 我呢兩日都有一大灘水流出,又唔好意思問


積分: 3772

發表於 10-3-26 20:32 |只看該作者
I have a 3 cm chocolate cryst. I didn't do any operation but have the depression on my first IVF. I got 9 follicles and only 4 embryos developed. The grade ranges from Grade 2+ to Grade 2. But some of them are 2 cells on Day 2. Is 2-cell embryo has lower successful rate? I'm 37 and FSH is 8.6. What is the major factor that makes the implantation unsuccessful? Age, cryst, poor cell division?


積分: 3772

發表於 10-3-26 21:07 |只看該作者
Conducting IVF every month continuously can increase the chance of successful pregnancy. Is it true?


積分: 3248

發表於 10-3-26 22:02 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,
My husband get sick today, and he was not aware that medication may affect our IVF, and took 2 anti-biotics injection. I'm really worry now, as you know I will have ER on Monday. I have called the clinic, even the Doc said that those antibiotics don't have bad impact to my husband's sperm can't release my worry. What should we do now?

[ 本帖最後由 minimeme 於 10-3-27 10:59 編輯 ]


積分: 3248

發表於 10-3-27 10:57 |只看該作者
I just did the u/s this moning and I have 15 follicles, which sized as follow. I'm wondering why I still need one more stimulation injection this morning, even though my follicles are big. I would expect to have 11 fertilized eggs, is it a good guess?

22mm * 2
20mm * 1
19mm * 2
18mm * 1
17mm * 1
15mm * 1
20mm * 1
19mm * 2
17mm * 1
14mm * 2
13mm * 1


積分: 9231

發表於 10-3-27 13:39 |只看該作者
Dear minimeme,

I am just guessing that your last injection this morning was probably intended to give the few smaller follicles a chance to grow. Your follicles grew a little slow both in this cycle and your previous one at Union.

It is difficult yet to guess how many eggs will be fertilized because we don't know how many eggs will be retrieved. On average, ~70% of retrieved eggs will be fertilized. For now, I am making an estimate of ~11 eggs retrieved.

As for your husband, the doc is correct that the antibiotics should have no effect on his sperm. You do not have to worry, and it should not even be on your "worry list" :)

原帖由 minimeme 於 10-3-27 10:57 發表
I just did the u/s this moning and I have 15 follicles, which sized as follow. I'm wondering why I still need one more stimulation injection this morning, even though my follicles are big. I would exp ...


積分: 9231

發表於 10-3-27 14:11 |只看該作者
Hi Apple8,

On day-2, 2-cell embryos are quite common. I know you want them to be 4-cell, but this really depends on what time you assess the embryos. I often see 2-cell embryos early in the morning and it will divide to 4-cell late morning or early afternoon. Well, that may also relate to the time of egg retrieval too; I have been in places with egg retrievals scheduled after 3pm. Grade 2+ or grade 2 are above-average or average quality; these embryos should have reasonable chance.

As you are aware already, implantation depends on the woman's age, embryo potential, and sometimes the woman's etiology. Age and embryo quality are inter-related; generally, oocyte quality, which also translates to embryo quality, declines with age. As for the presence of chocolate cyst, I think your doc is aware of its presence. I am not a medical doctor and cannot comment whether it should be surgically removed or not; but I know such decision depends on the number of cysts present, their position, and severity of symptoms on the patient. Besides, cysts may re-occur even after surgical removal.

In my opinion, doing ivf every month is a little too aggressive. Accumulative success rate is not a simple math; however, if consider doing ivf for the first 3-6 attempts, cumulative pregnancy rate can reach up to ~60% (this is from published data in 2007). Please note that getting pregnant is different than having a live birth.

原帖由 Apple8 於 10-3-26 20:32 發表
I have a 3 cm chocolate cryst. I didn't do any operation but have the depression on my first IVF. I got 9 follicles and only 4 embryos developed. The grade ranges from Grade 2+ to Grade 2. But some of ...


積分: 43

發表於 10-3-27 17:14 |只看該作者


請問我發生左乜野事?点解HCG會降完又會升返上去既? 仲有今日醫生話我未来M架,又係点解?我可以點做?好苦惱呀!

[ 本帖最後由 shanhu 於 10-3-27 18:08 編輯 ]


積分: 10720


發表於 10-3-27 18:35 |只看該作者

回覆 113# shanhu 的文章


想問下你醫生有無話你內膜仲厚唔厚呀? 因為我見你話....醫生仲話你未黎m, 咁即係你內膜仲厚啦。 另外; 醫生話你無異常....咁佢照唔照到入面有胎 or 其他野?



積分: 43

發表於 10-3-27 19:04 |只看該作者

原帖由 bibifa1225 於 10-3-27 18:35 發表

想問下你醫生有無話你內膜仲厚唔厚呀? 因為我見你話....醫生仲話你未黎m, 咁即係你內膜仲厚啦。 另外; 醫生話你無異常....咁佢照唔照到入面有胎 or 其他野? ...


積分: 10720


發表於 10-3-27 19:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 shanhu 於 10-3-27 19:04 發表


我剛剛pm咗資料比你睇....佢地既情況同你好似, 希望資料可以幫到你。



積分: 9231

發表於 10-3-27 19:38 |只看該作者
Hello shanhu,

I would also suspect an ectopic pregnancy (宮外孕), but it really needs your doc to confirm with the help of yet another blood test and u/s ~2 weeks later. "Hints" of embryo implantation are very hard to detect by u/s until 5-6 weeks into the gestation (which in your case will be in ~2 weeks as your doc advised). However, your heavy bleeding may be a concern if it continues to be heavy for more than a week. Make sure to keep your doc posted on your bleeding.

Regarding your HCG measurements, don't take them as absolute values. Even the same sample, if tested twice, will give 2 different numbers which are similar within a narrow range. My interpretation of your 3 test results is that your HCG stays quite stagnant over the past 2 weeks, which is not something of a normal pregnancy. I am very sorry that the HCG results had actually confused you. I hope the jm here will continue to give you comfort and support. Take care.

原帖由 shanhu 於 10-3-27 19:04 發表


積分: 43

發表於 10-3-27 20:11 |只看該作者


原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-27 19:38 發表
Hello shanhu,

I would also suspect an ectopic pregnancy (宮外孕), but it really needs your doc to confirm with the help of yet another blood test and u/s ~2 weeks later. "Hints" of embryo implantati ...


積分: 9231

發表於 10-3-27 22:02 |只看該作者
Dear shanhu,
I think your doc meant that if it is an ectopic pregnancy with an hCG >2000, then it will become dangerous. Since your hCG stays low so far without any dramatic increase, the risk should be very small. However, if you experience any unusual pain or bleeding during this 2-week wait, you should still call up your doc to get further instructions.
There is not much you can do during this wait, whether you are pregnant or not. I know by telling you this in itself may be stressful enough. So, why not simply do something you like, or do whatever that is your normal routine. Just note any unusual physiological changes to keep your body from the risk mentioned above.
Wish you well!

原帖由 shanhu 於 10-3-27 20:11 發表

我想再問下你,真係宮外孕,2個星期之後先再返医院,会吾会太遲?醫生話hCG2000以上先有危険,係吾係真架?有d乜野我可以做 ...


積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-27 23:14 |只看該作者
我今日彤罕睇左DR比我既REPORT, 原來我有一個胚胎GRADE 1-, 另一個GRADE 2+ ONLY, 係咪麻麻地? GRADE 2 係咪唔係甘好, 好難著床同成長? 好多人有2個GRADE 1 都FAIL既。。。



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