




積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-30 15:13 |只看該作者

@ 老友過來傾一餐 @


End at THERE and start from HERE!

由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極的上流一姐兼名作家寫的廁所級公開信 HERE<---Worth to read !一樣米養百樣人

我的回應-->P. 223 at here!

Don't wish to come across such plp in future. Touch wood!
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-30 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


Thinking about games for birthday party. Some ideas have been got from a book (but it is more for kwei lo parents than Chinese).

Any suggestions are welcome!!
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 06-3-30 16:13 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐

Hello buddy!

I also plan to arrange a 5-year old birthday party for my son in July.


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-30 16:17 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐

Term test for piglet tomorrow.
2 Chinese papers.
Haven't really "studied".
要考天才 !
作句唔通順 (還要好怪那種),中文字唔記得點寫,在家下下要問我。又唔看清楚題目及例句。
死未 !


Want to borrow my DK book "Toddler's Book of Fun Things to Do" ?


I will collect VCDs tonight.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-30 16:41 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐




Tried the book I pm you la. I borrowed from lib but more for kwei lo.

Do you plan for a BIG party or just gathering amongst relativesssssssssssss (your extended family!)

This year, I make banners and DIY all party materials myself during free time. Much work to do but unique ! Only a family gathering, so pls excuse my not inviting buddies here.
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 06-3-30 16:56 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


ic.. cu tmr nite la.


Got you! My son said he likes Lo-Mc and wants to invite ALL classmates he knows!!

Do you know which Lo-Mc (at Island side) is big enough to hold a party for 80-100 pax?

Wow.. you're so great to DIY all the things!!


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-30 17:00 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


Try check out the one in SHK Centre, WC North.
V quiet during weekends, and opens out to a small "court" ga. You should be able to have the whole place tim.
80-100 incl parents or excl ?

Or you can consider booking a clubhouse, then order take-away McD plus their B-day Party assistance.


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-30 17:31 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


Ooops !

Went through the book, and found it wasn't about party games / toddler games after all.
Just a book on some toddler actions. Definitely not what you want.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 06-3-30 17:32 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


Do you mean the one located at 灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心地下G1號店? Yes, this one is quite big and got 60 seats for BD party.

We've got around 30+ family members, plus 20 classmates and 30 parents, total around 80 pax.

If you and GC come too, then total pax must be over 80 gar la.

btw, I think the taste of take-away lo-Mc food must be terrible!! :-|


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-30 17:36 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐yrlk;djlk;jfx ., jsrv 000001012124245010424245


The kids just want Old Mc Junk Food, whatever taste. They won't care.


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-30 17:40 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐nglk;hk'thk;dlk;htdj;th


I'm leaving now. Will call once I get on a bus.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-30 18:44 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


Okay!! Ready!


Sure I will join if invited. You know one prohibiting factor for not hosting big party is--------------- too many gifts (usually quite big in size) to handle. Are you prepared for such? You may headache though all friends are too happy to buy goodies for the bd kid.
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-30 20:55 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


You change face so quickly !!


The VCDs are with me. See you same time same place tomorrow.
(My personal courier service seems quite efficient and effective woh !!) <== for me.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-30 21:17 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


Yes, I have learnt lately to change faces in a flash!


In case you drop by, my feedback to your last posting ==> thank you & agree 100% on fostering EQ. No worry for sure!
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-30 21:48 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐

The theme of honeybee's BD party is 'zoo animals'. I have drawn a huge tiger, a huge colorful banner and 10 cartoons to decorate10 8R photos of honeybee.

Birthday party games:

1. 狐狸先生/小姐幾多點 (我唔多記得點樣完?請指教)
2. 扮聲做動作估動物
3. 尋寶-找動物腳印
4. 看圖對動物名(寓學習於遊戲 )

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-31 02:36 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


What about drawing / pasting on the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, whiskers, paws, tail of an animal blindfold ?
You need a board for this, and blindfold several children, see where they stick the parts on.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-31 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


My bee likes to play jig saw puzzles. I have bought some from TW and want to buy some more complicated ones for him. What he is playing is 8 pieces ones. Commercial press??? Pls kindly suggest.
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-31 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐

Wake Up !!!

I had a bad night last night -
piglet's nose bled twice.
He was scared and confessed that he took some $ from his "bank" (under $5) to buy "hot air" snacks at school. Asked me not to him.
Nose bleeding + test today + too warm ==> squirming in bed for most of the night.
No eye see his test !


積分: 12611

發表於 06-3-31 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


That is called "tangram".
= Chin 七考板
This is in P1 Maths syllabus.

I once bought a more complicated one (travel set) from Apple (Daily) shop. Check and tell you next week whether I find info on supplier on the set.


積分: 6599

發表於 06-3-31 11:08 |只看該作者

Re: 老友過來傾一餐


The kind my bee is playing with is like the above. Tangram is too difficult la.
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


